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Eric's Fake Cough

September 5th 2022

small dog sticking his tongue out at the camera

Yes, you read that right. Eric, the small and nervous, regularly fakes a cough. Purely for attention.

The first time Eric had a cough was when Andrew was still working in canine hydrotherapy. Eric spent his days hanging out in the doggy day care. When he got that first cough we wanted to be sure he hadn't picked up kennel cough. He'd cough and we'd pay attention.

Smart little fecker noticed pretty quickly that we were watching and started to exaggerate the cough. It tooks us a few times to notice what was going on but once you realise what he's up to, it's pretty bloody obvious.

To be fair, it was smart of him to notice and his performance is flawless but our patience is wearing thin.

We probably wouldn't mind too much but he only fakes it at night, usually the early hours of the morning and it's morphed into a cross between a death rattle and a hairball. It lasts a good 3 minutes and once he feels he's disturbed everyone enough, one of us then has to ask him if he's alright before he'll go back to sleep.

I've tried to explain to him about the boy who cried wolf...but he's a dog and has no idea what I'm saying.

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